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Modern Slavery 


Modern Slavery Statement 2024

This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and articulates the steps the company has taken or is taking to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our group and in our supply chain.

Organisation Structure

The Richard Hochfeld Group is a supplier and service provider of fresh produce for retail and wholesale. The company believes in developing transparent and considerate relationships with customers, suppliers, service providers and workers. Richard Hochfeld Ltd. and its associated company Topfruit Ltd. have over 70 workers, who are typically directly employed on a permanent basis.

Our Supply Chain

We source fresh produce from the UK and worldwide, where seasonal work is prevalent, and the risk of modern slavery is variable. The supply chain is of varying complexity with some growers supplying directly to Richard Hochfeld Ltd. while others may supply via intermediaries such as packing companies and agents. Other growers will supply direct to retailers with Richard Hochfeld Ltd. acting as a service provider. Storage and/or packing of fresh produce for the company, or on behalf of retailers, is carried out in third party run packhouses and cold stores in the UK.

Our Policy

We are committed to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our anti-slavery policy and code of practice reflects our committed in preventing adverse human rights, modern slavery and human trafficking occurring throughout our business and supply chain.

Due Diligence processes

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk the Group continues to directly employ our site and office based staff. New employees are introduced to the ETI Base Code, the Grievance Procedure, the ‘Employee Engagement and Whistle-blowing Policy’ and a confidential reporting line. The RH Group Ethical Trading & Anti-Slavery policy statement and ETI Base Code principles are displayed throughout the workplace.

The ETI Base Code is referred to suppliers in a pre-season email and suppliers are required to sign the ethical and anti-slavery undertaking.

As part of our commitment to ethical trading all our suppliers are requested to register with Sedex and complete the self assessment questionnaire for their supplying sites.

Awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking is also raised through presentations in the UK, incorporating ‘Stronger Together’ ‘GLAA” and customer resources.

Risk Assessment & Measuring Effectiveness

We continue to monitor risk by using the risk assessment tool on Sedex platform and we are in conversation with our first-tier suppliers to understand how they manage risk further down the supply chain.

Regular Ethical and accommodation inspections audit visits will continue to our growers, packing sites and labour providers.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant members of staff. All Directors have been briefed on the subject.

The company will continue to promote awareness of modern slavery throughout our supply chain and own business. For a full copy of the ‘Modern Slavery Statement 2024’, Download it here